Area Kyoto|Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku
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Apartments for rent in KyotoKyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku
98 results (85 out of 98)
Apartment building サンクレール
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 3 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku上桂森上町 / Built 35 years ago/3 floor building
¥35,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/1K/16.12m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥35,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/1K/16.12m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Free internetFlooring
¥35,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
3th floor/1K/16.12m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥35,000 Management fee:¥3,000
3th floor/1K/16.12m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Free internetFlooring
Apartment complex プロスペラール
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 6 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku桂芝ノ下町 / Built 14 years ago/3 floor building
¥60,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
1th floor/1K/30m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money120,000 yen
¥60,000 Management fee:¥5,000
1th floor/1K/30m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money120,000 yen
AutolockFree internet
¥61,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
1th floor/1K/30m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money122,000 yen
¥61,000 Management fee:¥5,000
1th floor/1K/30m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money122,000 yen
AutolockFree internet
Apartment complex ポラリス桂川
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 13 minutes on foot Hankyu-Arashiyama line Matsuo Taisha 25 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku桂上野東町 / Built 19 years ago/3 floor building
¥58,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/1K/31.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥58,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/1K/31.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex ブラザー安田
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 16 minutes on foot Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 19 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku桂徳大寺町 / Built 36 years ago/3 floor building
¥58,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
1th floor/1DK/28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥58,000 Management fee:¥4,000
1th floor/1DK/28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Free internet
¥46,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
3th floor/1K/21m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥46,000 Management fee:¥4,000
3th floor/1K/21m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Free internet
Apartment building セジュマリール桂
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Katsura 10 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku桂上豆田町 / Built 31 years ago/2 floor building
2th floor/2LDK/50m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
2th floor/2LDK/50m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building セジュールエル
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 4 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku上桂宮ノ後町 / Built 34 years ago/2 floor building
¥63,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
1th floor/1LDK/38m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥63,000 Management fee:¥4,000
1th floor/1LDK/38m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building アゼリア桂川
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 7 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku上桂前川町 / Built 24 years ago/2 floor building
¥78,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
1th floor/2LDK/50.4m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥78,000 Management fee:¥4,000
1th floor/2LDK/50.4m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building エクセル吾田神
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 9 minutes on foot Hankyu-Arashiyama line Matsuo Taisha 13 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku松室吾田神町 / Built 31 years ago/2 floor building
¥66,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
2th floor/2DK/45m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥66,000 Management fee:¥4,000
2th floor/2DK/45m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥66,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
2th floor/2DK/45m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥66,000 Management fee:¥4,000
2th floor/2DK/45m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building レオパレスライフタナカ
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 2 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku大原野北春日町 / Built 24 years ago/2 floor building
¥48,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
2th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money48,000 yen
¥48,000 Management fee:¥5,000
2th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money48,000 yen
¥48,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
2th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money48,000 yen
¥48,000 Management fee:¥5,000
2th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money48,000 yen
Apartment building レオパレスSANWA
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 8 minutes on foot Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 18 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku上桂御正町 / Built 21 years ago/2 floor building
¥49,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money49,000 yen
¥49,000 Management fee:¥5,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money49,000 yen
Apartment building レオパレス洛西
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 8 minutes on foot Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 30 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku樫原秤谷町 / Built 21 years ago/2 floor building
¥48,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money48,000 yen
¥48,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money48,000 yen
¥48,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥48,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥46,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money46,000 yen
¥46,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money46,000 yen
¥46,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money46,000 yen
¥46,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money46,000 yen
¥47,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money47,000 yen
¥47,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money47,000 yen
¥49,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥49,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex レオパレス西京
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 1 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku大枝塚原町 / Built 17 years ago/3 floor building
¥53,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money53,000 yen
¥53,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money53,000 yen
¥52,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money52,000 yen
¥52,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money52,000 yen
¥52,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money52,000 yen
¥52,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money52,000 yen
¥50,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money50,000 yen
¥50,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money50,000 yen
¥50,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money50,000 yen
¥50,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money50,000 yen
¥50,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money50,000 yen
¥50,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money50,000 yen
¥52,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥52,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥52,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥52,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥50,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥50,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥50,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥50,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥43,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥43,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥52,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥52,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥45,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥45,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥54,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥54,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥51,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money51,000 yen
¥51,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money51,000 yen
¥52,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥52,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥50,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money50,000 yen
¥50,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money50,000 yen
Apartment complex レオパレスUrban桂坂
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 9 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku樫原秤谷町 / Built 15 years ago/4 floor building
¥53,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
4th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money53,000 yen
¥53,000 Management fee:¥7,000
4th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money53,000 yen
¥54,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
4th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money54,000 yen
¥54,000 Management fee:¥7,000
4th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money54,000 yen
¥53,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money53,000 yen
¥53,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money53,000 yen
¥53,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money53,000 yen
¥53,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money53,000 yen
¥50,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money50,000 yen
¥50,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money50,000 yen
¥52,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money52,000 yen
¥52,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money52,000 yen
¥46,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money46,000 yen
¥46,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money46,000 yen
¥54,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money54,000 yen
¥54,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money54,000 yen
¥54,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money54,000 yen
¥54,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money54,000 yen
Apartment complex レオパレスカップラス
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 11 minutes on foot Hankyu-Kyoto line Rakusaiguchi 18 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku川島調子町 / Built 15 years ago/3 floor building
¥65,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money65,000 yen
¥65,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money65,000 yen
¥65,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money65,000 yen
¥65,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money65,000 yen
Apartment complex レオパレス華
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 4 minutes on foot JR Tokaido/San-yo line Katsuragawa 17 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku牛ケ瀬新田泓町 / Built 16 years ago/3 floor building
¥61,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥61,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥50,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥50,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥60,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥60,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥50,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥50,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥58,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥58,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥58,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥58,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥50,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥50,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥58,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money58,000 yen
¥58,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money58,000 yen
Apartment building レオパレスQUERCUS
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 17 minutes on foot Hankyu-Kyoto line Rakusaiguchi 24 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku樫原下池田町 / Built 17 years ago/2 floor building
¥54,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money54,000 yen
¥54,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money54,000 yen
Apartment building レオネクストMATSUO
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Matsuo Taisha 13 minutes on foot Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 15 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku松室地家町 / Built 9 years ago/2 floor building
¥61,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/25.59m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money61,000 yen
¥61,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/25.59m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money61,000 yen
Apartment complex レオパレスForest桂坂
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 4 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku樫原芋峠 / Built 15 years ago/3 floor building
¥47,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money47,000 yen
¥47,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money47,000 yen
¥49,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money49,000 yen
¥49,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money49,000 yen
¥51,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money51,000 yen
¥51,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money51,000 yen
¥49,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money49,000 yen
¥49,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money49,000 yen
¥44,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money44,000 yen
¥44,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money44,000 yen
¥45,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money45,000 yen
¥45,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money45,000 yen
Apartment complex リブリ・京都嵐山
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Arashiyama 7 minutes on foot JR San-in line Saga Arashiyama 24 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku嵐山谷ケ辻子町 / Built 6 years ago/3 floor building
¥57,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
2th floor/1K/26.08m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥57,000 Management fee:¥4,000
2th floor/1K/26.08m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building ヴァンベール徳田
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 17 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku桂河田町 / Built 39 years ago/3 floor building
¥58,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/2DK/38m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥58,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/2DK/38m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building シャンブルド久方
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 11 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku桂久方町 / Built 25 years ago/2 floor building
¥78,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
2th floor/2LDK/56.7m2 / Security deposit50,000 yen/Key money50,000 yen
¥78,000 Management fee:¥4,000
2th floor/2LDK/56.7m2 / Security deposit50,000 yen/Key money50,000 yen
Apartment building セジュール小原
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 18 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku御陵内町 / Built 28 years ago/2 floor building
¥66,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
1th floor/2DK/46m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥66,000 Management fee:¥4,000
1th floor/2DK/46m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building レオパレスクレールアミラ
Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 9 minutes on foot Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 14 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku桂上豆田町 / Built 13 years ago/2 floor building
¥58,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥58,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥60,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥60,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥54,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥54,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥53,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/23.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex ブラザー河田
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 16 minutes on foot Hankyu-Kyoto line Katsura 16 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku桂徳大寺南町 / Built 33 years ago/3 floor building
¥45,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/1K/22m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥45,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/1K/22m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Free internet
Apartment building パークサイド桂川
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 7 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku松室吾田神町 / Built 23 years ago/2 floor building
2th floor/2LDK/50m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
2th floor/2LDK/50m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building セジュール河部
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 9 minutes on foot Hankyu-Arashiyama line Matsuo Taisha 13 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku松室吾田神町 / Built 31 years ago/2 floor building
2th floor/2DK/45m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
2th floor/2DK/45m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building セジュール山代上桂
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 7 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku上桂森下町 / Built 34 years ago/2 floor building
¥72,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/2LDK/50m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥72,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/2LDK/50m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex ヴァローレ桂
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 12 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku桂畑ケ田町 / Built 20 years ago/3 floor building
¥58,000 Management fee: ¥6,000
3th floor/1K/27.64m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥58,000 Management fee:¥6,000
3th floor/1K/27.64m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Free internetFlooring
Apartment complex ラスヌベス
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Kami Katsura 12 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku桂上野南町 / Built 24 years ago/5 floor building
¥75,000 Management fee: ¥8,000
3th floor/2LDK/49m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥75,000 Management fee:¥8,000
3th floor/2LDK/49m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex ハウスくらもと
Hankyu-Arashiyama line Matsuo Taisha 2 minutes on foot
Kyoto Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku嵐山朝月町 / Built 30 years ago/3 floor building
¥75,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
3th floor/1LDK/40m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥75,000 Management fee:¥5,000
3th floor/1LDK/40m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
98 results (85 out of 98)