The Process of Move-in

For our customers, YOLO HOME provides multilingual support. An interpreter will provide services such as making phone calls for you, so please ask for our services anytime without any worries.
Contact us
ID verification/Inspection
Contact from the real estate agent
Property information
Moving in
1.Please contact us from YOLO HOME website
2.The guarantor company will inspect and verify the identity of the individual. When speaking to us, please be sure that we are speaking to the individual. Regarding the results, after we have been able to verify the identification of the individual, we will contact them on the same day or the next day either by email or by phone.
3.The real estate agent will contact you about property information.
4.Property guidance/visit/proposal
5.Once the property has been decided, we will move on to contract/screening. After the explanation of Important Matters, please pay the initial cost on the day or within 1-week.
6.We will give you the key once all the required payments before moving in have been made. At this point the necessary procedures for moving in will have been completed.
Documents required for the inspection of your ID
Passport or residence card
Health certificate, work certificate, employment notification, employment acceptance, student ID, notification of pass/fail, etc.
Emergency contact information in your home country (in principle, your relatives) and emergency contact information in Japan (you may provide a friend or an acquaintance)