Area Saitama|Tsurugashima-shi
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Apartments for rent in SaitamaTsurugashima-shi
15 results (15 out of 15)
Apartment building アイランドB
Tobu-Tojo line Sakado 23 minutes on foot Tobu-Tojo line Wakaba 25 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi脚折町6丁目 / Built 12 years ago/2 floor building
¥64,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/1LDK/44.2m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money64,000 yen
¥64,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/1LDK/44.2m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money64,000 yen
No guarantor needed
Apartment building アイランドA
Tobu-Tojo line Sakado 23 minutes on foot Tobu-Tojo line Wakaba 25 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi脚折町6丁目 / Built 12 years ago/2 floor building
¥68,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/2DK/53.26m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money68,000 yen
¥68,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/2DK/53.26m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money68,000 yen
No guarantor needed
Apartment building アネシス・ヤマシタ
Tobu-Tojo line Tsurugashima 11 minutes on foot Tobu-Tojo line Wakaba 19 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi大字上広谷 / Built 17 years ago/2 floor building
¥47,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
1th floor/1K/25.46m2 / Security deposit47,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥47,000 Management fee:¥4,000
1th floor/1K/25.46m2 / Security deposit47,000 yen/Key money0 yen
No guarantor neededWalk-in closet
Apartment building メゾン・ド・アベイユ
Tobu-Tojo line Tsurugashima 14 minutes on foot Tobu-Tojo line Wakaba 33 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi松ヶ丘1丁目 / Built 7 years ago/2 floor building
¥54,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
1th floor/1K/26.49m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥54,000 Management fee:¥4,000
1th floor/1K/26.49m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Free internetNo guarantor needed
Apartment building bon ville
Tobu-Tojo line Tsurugashima 5 minutes on foot Tobu-Tojo line Wakaba 29 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi大字上広谷 / Built 8 years ago/2 floor building
¥62,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/1LDK/27.64m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥62,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/1LDK/27.64m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥61,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/1LDK/27.93m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥61,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/1LDK/27.93m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building ブローテ
Tobu-Ogose line Ippommatsu 14 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi新町4丁目 / Built 15 years ago/2 floor building
¥59,000 Management fee: ¥2,000
1th floor/1LDK/49m2 / Security deposit59,000 yen/Key money59,000 yen
¥59,000 Management fee:¥2,000
1th floor/1LDK/49m2 / Security deposit59,000 yen/Key money59,000 yen
Apartment complex レナジア鶴ヶ島
Tobu-Tojo line Tsurugashima 7 minutes on foot JR Kawagoe line Matoba 44 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi大字鶴ヶ丘 / Built 33 years ago/3 floor building
¥39,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
3th floor/1DK/28.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥39,000 Management fee:¥4,000
3th floor/1DK/28.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
AutolockNo guarantor neededFlooring
Apartment building カーサステラ
Tobu-Tojo line Tsurugashima 9 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi大字五味ヶ谷 / Built 2 years ago/2 floor building
¥104,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/4LDK/103.68m2 / Security deposit104,000 yen/Key money104,000 yen
¥104,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/4LDK/103.68m2 / Security deposit104,000 yen/Key money104,000 yen
No guarantor neededFlooring
Apartment complex フォレスト
Tobu-Tojo line Wakaba 15 minutes on foot Tobu-Tojo line Tsurugashima 31 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi富士見4丁目 / Built 37 years ago/3 floor building
¥43,000 Management fee: ¥2,000
3th floor/1R/18.49m2 / Security deposit43,000 yen/Key money43,000 yen
¥43,000 Management fee:¥2,000
3th floor/1R/18.49m2 / Security deposit43,000 yen/Key money43,000 yen
Apartment complex ヴィラ リヴィエール
Tobu-Tojo line Tsurugashima 8 minutes on foot Tobu-Tojo line Wakaba 20 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi大字上広谷 / Built 33 years ago/3 floor building
¥63,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
2th floor/3DK/60.24m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥63,000 Management fee:¥4,000
2th floor/3DK/60.24m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex サニーエステート
Tobu-Tojo line Sakado 11 minutes on foot Tobu-Tojo line Wakaba 26 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi脚折町4丁目 / Built 31 years ago/6 floor building
¥72,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
6th floor/3DK/52.96m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥72,000 Management fee:¥5,000
6th floor/3DK/52.96m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥70,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
3th floor/3DK/53.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥70,000 Management fee:¥5,000
3th floor/3DK/53.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex かさまビル9
Tobu-Tojo line Sakado 11 minutes on foot Tobu-Ogose line Ippommatsu 31 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi脚折町2丁目 / Built 33 years ago/6 floor building
¥65,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/2LDK/51.86m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥65,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/2LDK/51.86m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex 藤美ハイツ
Tobu-Tojo line Wakaba 6 minutes on foot Tobu-Tojo line Wakaba 19 minutes on foot
Saitama Tsurugashima-shi大字脚折 / Built 30 years ago/2 floor building
¥45,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/2DK/39m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥45,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/2DK/39m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
15 results (15 out of 15)