Select station Saitama|Tsukuba Express
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Apartments for rent in SaitamaMisato-shi/Misato Chuo station
18 results (18 out of 18)
Apartment building グランドソレーユ
Tsukuba Express Yashio 17 minutes on foot Tsukuba Express Misato Chuo 46 minutes on foot
Saitama Yashio-shi大字南川崎 / Built 12 years ago/3 floor building
¥85,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
3th floor/1LDK/40.92m2 / Security deposit85,000 yen/Key money85,000 yen
¥85,000 Management fee:¥4,000
3th floor/1LDK/40.92m2 / Security deposit85,000 yen/Key money85,000 yen
AutolockNo guarantor needed
Apartment building ラ・リヴェール
Tsukuba Express Yashio 10 minutes on foot Tsukuba Express Misato Chuo 50 minutes on foot
Saitama Yashio-shi大瀬4丁目 / Built 15 years ago/3 floor building
¥62,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
2th floor/1K/23.77m2 / Security deposit62,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥62,000 Management fee:¥4,500
2th floor/1K/23.77m2 / Security deposit62,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Free internetNo guarantor needed
Apartment building Apricotton
JR Musashino line Misato 6 minutes on foot Tsukuba Express Misato Chuo 32 minutes on foot
Saitama Misato-shi三郷1丁目 / Newly built/3 floor building
¥60,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥60,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
¥62,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
3th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥62,000 Management fee:¥3,000
3th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
¥62,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
3th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥62,000 Management fee:¥3,000
3th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
¥61,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥61,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
¥61,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥61,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
¥61,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥61,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
¥64,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
3th floor/1K/25.07m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥64,000 Management fee:¥3,000
3th floor/1K/25.07m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
¥60,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥60,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
¥60,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥60,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
¥60,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥60,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/1K/21.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
Apartment complex レオパレスフリージア
Tsukuba Express Misato Chuo 1 minutes on foot
Saitama Misato-shi鷹野1丁目 / Built 16 years ago/3 floor building
¥55,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money55,000 yen
¥55,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money55,000 yen
¥48,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money48,000 yen
¥48,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money48,000 yen
¥48,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money48,000 yen
¥48,000 Management fee:¥7,000
2th floor/1K/20.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money48,000 yen
Apartment building レオパレスグランベルク
Tsukuba Express Misato Chuo 1 minutes on foot
Saitama Misato-shi高州1丁目 / Built 18 years ago/2 floor building
¥62,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money62,000 yen
¥62,000 Management fee:¥5,000
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money62,000 yen
Apartment complex レオパレスアビタシオン
Tsukuba Express Misato Chuo 1 minutes on foot
Saitama Misato-shi高州2丁目 / Built 16 years ago/3 floor building
¥55,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money55,000 yen
¥55,000 Management fee:¥7,000
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money55,000 yen
¥58,000 Management fee: ¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money58,000 yen
¥58,000 Management fee:¥7,000
3th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money58,000 yen
18 results (18 out of 18)