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Apartments for rent in Japan
37,866 results (115 out of 37,866)
マンション スカイコート神田第2
都営新宿線 岩本町 6 minutes on foot JR山手線 秋葉原 8 minutes on foot
東京都 千代田区東神田2丁目 / Built 20 years ago/12 floor building
¥116,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
12th floor/1K/22.76m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money116,000 yen
¥116,000 Management fee:¥11,000
12th floor/1K/22.76m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money116,000 yen
¥134,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
11th floor/1K/22.75m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money134,000 yen
¥134,000 Management fee:¥11,000
11th floor/1K/22.75m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money134,000 yen
マンション デュアレス千代田三崎町
JR総武線 水道橋 3 minutes on foot 東京メトロ東西線 飯田橋 7 minutes on foot
東京都 千代田区神田三崎町3丁目 / Built 9 years ago/11 floor building
¥153,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
3th floor/1R/25.03m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money153,000 yen
¥153,000 Management fee:¥11,000
3th floor/1R/25.03m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money153,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiable
¥154,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
2th floor/1K/25.06m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money154,000 yen
¥154,000 Management fee:¥11,000
2th floor/1K/25.06m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money154,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockFree internet
マンション OLIO東神田
JR総武線 浅草橋 3 minutes on foot JR山手線 秋葉原 7 minutes on foot
東京都 千代田区東神田3丁目 / Built 22 years ago/13 floor building
¥121,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
10th floor/1K/25.83m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money121,000 yen
¥121,000 Management fee:¥11,000
10th floor/1K/25.83m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money121,000 yen
マンション スカイコート銀座東第2
東京メトロ有楽町線 新富町 6 minutes on foot JR京葉線 八丁堀 7 minutes on foot
東京都 中央区湊3丁目 / Built 20 years ago/7 floor building
¥122,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
7th floor/1K/24.16m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money122,000 yen
¥122,000 Management fee:¥11,000
7th floor/1K/24.16m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money122,000 yen
マンション プラウドフラット三越前
東京メトロ銀座線 三越前 4 minutes on foot JR山手線 神田 5 minutes on foot
東京都 中央区日本橋本町4丁目 / Built 9 years ago/11 floor building
¥208,000 Management fee: ¥12,000
3th floor/1LDK/41.73m2 / Security deposit208,000 yen/Key money208,000 yen
¥208,000 Management fee:¥12,000
3th floor/1LDK/41.73m2 / Security deposit208,000 yen/Key money208,000 yen
AutolockPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
マンション 京橋レジデンス
東京メトロ銀座線 日本橋 8 minutes on foot JR山手線 東京 9 minutes on foot
東京都 中央区八丁堀2丁目 / Built 8 years ago/10 floor building
¥208,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
2th floor/1LDK/44.83m2 / Security deposit208,000 yen/Key money208,000 yen
¥208,000 Management fee:¥10,000
2th floor/1LDK/44.83m2 / Security deposit208,000 yen/Key money208,000 yen
AutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
マンション ロイヤルパークス品川
JR山手線 品川 11 minutes on foot
東京都 港区港南3丁目 / Newly built/28 floor building
¥499,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
22th floor/2LDK/78.94m2 / Security deposit499,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥499,000 Management fee:¥20,000
22th floor/2LDK/78.94m2 / Security deposit499,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥245,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
2th floor/1LDK/44.86m2 / Security deposit245,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥245,000 Management fee:¥15,000
2th floor/1LDK/44.86m2 / Security deposit245,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥377,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
10th floor/2LDK/67.74m2 / Security deposit377,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥377,000 Management fee:¥20,000
10th floor/2LDK/67.74m2 / Security deposit377,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥247,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
2th floor/1LDK/44.26m2 / Security deposit247,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥247,000 Management fee:¥15,000
2th floor/1LDK/44.26m2 / Security deposit247,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥235,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/40.07m2 / Security deposit235,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥235,000 Management fee:¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/40.07m2 / Security deposit235,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥351,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
12th floor/2LDK/63.98m2 / Security deposit351,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥351,000 Management fee:¥20,000
12th floor/2LDK/63.98m2 / Security deposit351,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥247,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/45.57m2 / Security deposit247,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥247,000 Management fee:¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/45.57m2 / Security deposit247,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥250,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/44.86m2 / Security deposit250,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥250,000 Management fee:¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/44.86m2 / Security deposit250,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥252,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/44.26m2 / Security deposit252,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥252,000 Management fee:¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/44.26m2 / Security deposit252,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥387,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
12th floor/2LDK/68.11m2 / Security deposit387,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥387,000 Management fee:¥20,000
12th floor/2LDK/68.11m2 / Security deposit387,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥231,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
3th floor/1LDK/42.87m2 / Security deposit231,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥231,000 Management fee:¥15,000
3th floor/1LDK/42.87m2 / Security deposit231,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥372,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
10th floor/2LDK/66.58m2 / Security deposit372,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥372,000 Management fee:¥20,000
10th floor/2LDK/66.58m2 / Security deposit372,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥470,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
23th floor/2LDK/71.74m2 / Security deposit470,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥470,000 Management fee:¥20,000
23th floor/2LDK/71.74m2 / Security deposit470,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥460,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
22th floor/2LDK/70.89m2 / Security deposit460,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥460,000 Management fee:¥20,000
22th floor/2LDK/70.89m2 / Security deposit460,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥470,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
22th floor/2LDK/71.74m2 / Security deposit470,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥470,000 Management fee:¥20,000
22th floor/2LDK/71.74m2 / Security deposit470,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥439,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
23th floor/2LDK/65.61m2 / Security deposit439,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥439,000 Management fee:¥20,000
23th floor/2LDK/65.61m2 / Security deposit439,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥460,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
23th floor/2LDK/70.89m2 / Security deposit460,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥460,000 Management fee:¥20,000
23th floor/2LDK/70.89m2 / Security deposit460,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥439,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
22th floor/2LDK/65.61m2 / Security deposit439,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥439,000 Management fee:¥20,000
22th floor/2LDK/65.61m2 / Security deposit439,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥480,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
26th floor/2LDK/65.53m2 / Security deposit480,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥480,000 Management fee:¥20,000
26th floor/2LDK/65.53m2 / Security deposit480,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥387,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
11th floor/2LDK/68.11m2 / Security deposit387,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥387,000 Management fee:¥20,000
11th floor/2LDK/68.11m2 / Security deposit387,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥235,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
6th floor/1LDK/40.07m2 / Security deposit235,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥235,000 Management fee:¥15,000
6th floor/1LDK/40.07m2 / Security deposit235,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥245,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
6th floor/1LDK/42.87m2 / Security deposit245,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥245,000 Management fee:¥15,000
6th floor/1LDK/42.87m2 / Security deposit245,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥245,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/42.87m2 / Security deposit245,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥245,000 Management fee:¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/42.87m2 / Security deposit245,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥235,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
6th floor/1LDK/40.78m2 / Security deposit235,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥235,000 Management fee:¥15,000
6th floor/1LDK/40.78m2 / Security deposit235,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥232,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
4th floor/1LDK/42.87m2 / Security deposit232,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥232,000 Management fee:¥15,000
4th floor/1LDK/42.87m2 / Security deposit232,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥235,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/40.78m2 / Security deposit235,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥235,000 Management fee:¥15,000
7th floor/1LDK/40.78m2 / Security deposit235,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥249,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
2th floor/1LDK/43.66m2 / Security deposit249,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥249,000 Management fee:¥15,000
2th floor/1LDK/43.66m2 / Security deposit249,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥246,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
2th floor/1LDK/46.2m2 / Security deposit246,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥246,000 Management fee:¥15,000
2th floor/1LDK/46.2m2 / Security deposit246,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
マンション スカイコート三田慶大前壱番館
都営三田線 白金高輪 10 minutes on foot 都営浅草線 三田 13 minutes on foot
東京都 港区三田5丁目 / Built 21 years ago/10 floor building
¥127,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
3th floor/1K/22.45m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money127,000 yen
¥127,000 Management fee:¥11,000
3th floor/1K/22.45m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money127,000 yen
¥87,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
4th floor/1K/20.85m2 / Security deposit87,000 yen/Key money87,000 yen
¥87,000 Management fee:¥9,000
4th floor/1K/20.85m2 / Security deposit87,000 yen/Key money87,000 yen
マンション メイクスデザイン白金台
都営浅草線 高輪台 5 minutes on foot 東京メトロ南北線 白金台 9 minutes on foot
東京都 港区白金台2丁目 / Built 24 years ago/3 floor building
¥84,000 Management fee: ¥9,500
1th floor/1K/22.18m2 / Security deposit84,000 yen/Key money84,000 yen
¥84,000 Management fee:¥9,500
1th floor/1K/22.18m2 / Security deposit84,000 yen/Key money84,000 yen
AutolockNo guarantor neededFlooring
マンション 三田村ビル
東京メトロ有楽町線 江戸川橋 3 minutes on foot
東京都 新宿区改代町 / Built 35 years ago/3 floor building
3th floor/2LDK/74.4m2 / Security deposit540,000 yen/Key money270,000 yen
3th floor/2LDK/74.4m2 / Security deposit540,000 yen/Key money270,000 yen
マンション ルビア赤坂
東京メトロ銀座線 赤坂見附 7 minutes on foot 東京メトロ千代田線 赤坂 9 minutes on foot
東京都 港区赤坂4丁目 / Built 5 years ago/12 floor building
¥153,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
7th floor/1K/27.03m2 / Security deposit153,000 yen/Key money153,000 yen
¥153,000 Management fee:¥10,000
7th floor/1K/27.03m2 / Security deposit153,000 yen/Key money153,000 yen
¥157,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
9th floor/1K/26.98m2 / Security deposit157,000 yen/Key money157,000 yen
¥157,000 Management fee:¥10,000
9th floor/1K/26.98m2 / Security deposit157,000 yen/Key money157,000 yen
マンション エスコート上落合
東京メトロ東西線 落合 5 minutes on foot 都営大江戸線 中井 5 minutes on foot
東京都 新宿区上落合1丁目 / Built 23 years ago/7 floor building
¥72,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
2th floor/1K/21.48m2 / Security deposit72,000 yen/Key money72,000 yen
¥72,000 Management fee:¥10,000
2th floor/1K/21.48m2 / Security deposit72,000 yen/Key money72,000 yen
マンション スカイコート新宿落合第5
東京メトロ東西線 落合 5 minutes on foot JR総武線 東中野 13 minutes on foot
東京都 新宿区上落合3丁目 / Built 28 years ago/4 floor building
¥66,000 Management fee: ¥6,000
2th floor/1R/16.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money66,000 yen
¥66,000 Management fee:¥6,000
2th floor/1R/16.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money66,000 yen
マンション プレール三田
東京メトロ南北線 白金高輪 5 minutes on foot JR山手線 田町 14 minutes on foot
東京都 港区三田5丁目 / Built 25 years ago/6 floor building
¥110,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
3th floor/1K/19.71m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money110,000 yen
¥110,000 Management fee:¥11,000
3th floor/1K/19.71m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money110,000 yen
¥88,000 Management fee: ¥8,000
4th floor/1K/23.49m2 / Security deposit88,000 yen/Key money88,000 yen
¥88,000 Management fee:¥8,000
4th floor/1K/23.49m2 / Security deposit88,000 yen/Key money88,000 yen
¥114,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
5th floor/1K/19.98m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money114,000 yen
¥114,000 Management fee:¥11,000
5th floor/1K/19.98m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money114,000 yen
マンション ザ・パークハビオ早稲田
東京メトロ東西線 早稲田 2 minutes on foot 都電荒川線 早稲田 9 minutes on foot
東京都 新宿区早稲田町 / Built 6 years ago/9 floor building
¥129,000 Management fee: ¥13,000
6th floor/1R/26.47m2 / Security deposit129,000 yen/Key money129,000 yen
¥129,000 Management fee:¥13,000
6th floor/1R/26.47m2 / Security deposit129,000 yen/Key money129,000 yen
AutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥130,000 Management fee: ¥13,000
5th floor/1R/25.62m2 / Security deposit130,000 yen/Key money130,000 yen
¥130,000 Management fee:¥13,000
5th floor/1R/25.62m2 / Security deposit130,000 yen/Key money130,000 yen
AutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥122,000 Management fee: ¥13,000
2th floor/1R/26.47m2 / Security deposit122,000 yen/Key money122,000 yen
¥122,000 Management fee:¥13,000
2th floor/1R/26.47m2 / Security deposit122,000 yen/Key money122,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥133,000 Management fee: ¥13,000
7th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit133,000 yen/Key money133,000 yen
¥133,000 Management fee:¥13,000
7th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit133,000 yen/Key money133,000 yen
AutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥130,000 Management fee: ¥13,000
6th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit130,000 yen/Key money130,000 yen
¥130,000 Management fee:¥13,000
6th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit130,000 yen/Key money130,000 yen
AutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥212,000 Management fee: ¥18,000
7th floor/1LDK/40.37m2 / Security deposit212,000 yen/Key money212,000 yen
¥212,000 Management fee:¥18,000
7th floor/1LDK/40.37m2 / Security deposit212,000 yen/Key money212,000 yen
AutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥154,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
2th floor/1DK/33.44m2 / Security deposit154,000 yen/Key money154,000 yen
¥154,000 Management fee:¥15,000
2th floor/1DK/33.44m2 / Security deposit154,000 yen/Key money154,000 yen
マンション フロンティア新宿タワー
京王線 初台 5 minutes on foot JR山手線 新宿 13 minutes on foot
東京都 新宿区西新宿3丁目 / Built 7 years ago/24 floor building
¥319,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
12th floor/1LDK/49.95m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥319,000 Management fee:¥15,000
12th floor/1LDK/49.95m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
AutolockFree internetWalk-in closetFlooring
¥195,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
8th floor/1K/32.23m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥195,000 Management fee:¥10,000
8th floor/1K/32.23m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
AutolockFree internetWalk-in closetFlooring
¥371,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
14th floor/1LDK/59.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥371,000 Management fee:¥15,000
14th floor/1LDK/59.29m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
AutolockFree internetWalk-in closetFlooring
¥349,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
5th floor/1LDK/56.68m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥349,000 Management fee:¥15,000
5th floor/1LDK/56.68m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
AutolockFree internetWalk-in closetFlooring
マンション プレール市ヶ谷納戸町
都営大江戸線 牛込神楽坂 7 minutes on foot 東京メトロ東西線 神楽坂 10 minutes on foot
東京都 新宿区納戸町 / Built 25 years ago/8 floor building
¥104,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
2th floor/1R/19.75m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money104,000 yen
¥104,000 Management fee:¥11,000
2th floor/1R/19.75m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money104,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockPets allowed/negotiable
¥115,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
6th floor/1K/19.75m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money115,000 yen
¥115,000 Management fee:¥11,000
6th floor/1K/19.75m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money115,000 yen
マンション ジェノヴィア新宿早稲田グリーンヴェール
都営大江戸線 若松河田 2 minutes on foot 東京メトロ東西線 早稲田 10 minutes on foot
東京都 新宿区若松町 / Built 6 years ago/14 floor building
¥156,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
4th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money156,000 yen
¥156,000 Management fee:¥11,000
4th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money156,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥158,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
10th floor/1K/25.57m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money158,000 yen
¥158,000 Management fee:¥11,000
10th floor/1K/25.57m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money158,000 yen
¥156,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
3th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money156,000 yen
¥156,000 Management fee:¥11,000
3th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money156,000 yen
¥156,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
3th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money156,000 yen
¥156,000 Management fee:¥11,000
3th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money156,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥236,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
12th floor/1LDK/40.6m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money236,000 yen
¥236,000 Management fee:¥11,000
12th floor/1LDK/40.6m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money236,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockPets allowed/negotiableWalk-in closetFlooring
マンション アムス早稲田(旧La Blancheur 早稲田)
都電荒川線 早稲田 5 minutes on foot 東京メトロ東西線 早稲田 10 minutes on foot
東京都 新宿区西早稲田1丁目 / Built 2 years ago/5 floor building
¥73,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
3th floor/1R/10.99m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money73,000 yen
¥73,000 Management fee:¥9,000
3th floor/1R/10.99m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money73,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockFree internetNo guarantor needed
マンション ルネサンスコート新宿余丁町
都営新宿線 曙橋 10 minutes on foot
東京都 新宿区余丁町 / Built 4 years ago/4 floor building
¥136,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
1th floor/1K/25.65m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥136,000 Management fee:¥15,000
1th floor/1K/25.65m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥139,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
4th floor/1R/25.65m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥139,000 Management fee:¥15,000
4th floor/1R/25.65m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
マンション プレミアムキューブG四谷左門町
東京メトロ丸ノ内線 四谷三丁目 5 minutes on foot JR総武線 信濃町 7 minutes on foot
東京都 新宿区左門町 / Built 11 years ago/13 floor building
¥128,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
7th floor/1K/25.58m2 / Security deposit128,000 yen/Key money128,000 yen
¥128,000 Management fee:¥15,000
7th floor/1K/25.58m2 / Security deposit128,000 yen/Key money128,000 yen
マンション シャイン小石川
東京メトロ丸ノ内線 茗荷谷 5 minutes on foot 都営三田線 白山 16 minutes on foot
東京都 文京区小石川5丁目 / Built 20 years ago/5 floor building
¥111,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
2th floor/1K/21.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money111,000 yen
¥111,000 Management fee:¥11,000
2th floor/1K/21.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money111,000 yen
マンション ジョイシティ小石川
東京メトロ丸ノ内線 茗荷谷 6 minutes on foot
東京都 文京区大塚3丁目 / Built 18 years ago/8 floor building
¥99,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
2th floor/1K/24.95m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥99,000 Management fee:¥15,000
2th floor/1K/24.95m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥82,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
2th floor/1K/21.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥82,000 Management fee:¥15,000
2th floor/1K/21.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥100,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
8th floor/1K/24.95m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥100,000 Management fee:¥15,000
8th floor/1K/24.95m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
マンション シンシア本郷三丁目
東京メトロ丸ノ内線 本郷三丁目 6 minutes on foot 東京メトロ千代田線 湯島 6 minutes on foot
東京都 文京区湯島4丁目 / Built 22 years ago/12 floor building
¥114,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
9th floor/1K/21.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money114,000 yen
¥114,000 Management fee:¥11,000
9th floor/1K/21.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money114,000 yen
つくばエクスプレス 浅草 4 minutes on foot 東京メトロ銀座線 田原町 7 minutes on foot
東京都 台東区西浅草2丁目 / Built 19 years ago/9 floor building
¥125,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
7th floor/1LDK/38.08m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money125,000 yen
¥125,000 Management fee:¥5,000
7th floor/1LDK/38.08m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money125,000 yen
No guarantor neededFlooring
マンション アピチェ南千住C棟
JR常磐線 南千住 11 minutes on foot 東京メトロ日比谷線 三ノ輪 13 minutes on foot
東京都 台東区日本堤1丁目 / Built 0 years ago/5 floor building
¥83,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
2th floor/1DK/20m2 / Security deposit83,000 yen/Key money83,000 yen
¥83,000 Management fee:¥10,000
2th floor/1DK/20m2 / Security deposit83,000 yen/Key money83,000 yen
AutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
マンション オープンブルーム入谷
東京メトロ日比谷線 入谷 4 minutes on foot
東京都 台東区入谷2丁目 / Built 2 years ago/11 floor building
¥182,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
8th floor/2LDK/40.54m2 / Security deposit182,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥182,000 Management fee:¥15,000
8th floor/2LDK/40.54m2 / Security deposit182,000 yen/Key money0 yen
つくばエクスプレス 浅草 6 minutes on foot 東京メトロ日比谷線 入谷 9 minutes on foot
東京都 台東区千束1丁目 / Built 7 years ago/11 floor building
¥155,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
11th floor/1LDK/41.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money155,000 yen
¥155,000 Management fee:¥15,000
11th floor/1LDK/41.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money155,000 yen
AutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
マンション La vie belle
東京メトロ日比谷線 入谷 1 minutes on foot JR山手線 鶯谷 8 minutes on foot
東京都 台東区下谷2丁目 / Newly built/10 floor building
¥96,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
5th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit96,000 yen/Key money96,000 yen
¥96,000 Management fee:¥10,000
5th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit96,000 yen/Key money96,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥95,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
4th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit95,000 yen/Key money95,000 yen
¥95,000 Management fee:¥10,000
4th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit95,000 yen/Key money95,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥165,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
7th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit165,000 yen/Key money165,000 yen
¥165,000 Management fee:¥10,000
7th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit165,000 yen/Key money165,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥97,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
2th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit97,000 yen/Key money97,000 yen
¥97,000 Management fee:¥10,000
2th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit97,000 yen/Key money97,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥159,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
2th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit159,000 yen/Key money159,000 yen
¥159,000 Management fee:¥10,000
2th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit159,000 yen/Key money159,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥159,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit159,000 yen/Key money159,000 yen
¥159,000 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit159,000 yen/Key money159,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥158,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
5th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit158,000 yen/Key money158,000 yen
¥158,000 Management fee:¥10,000
5th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit158,000 yen/Key money158,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥161,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
4th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit161,000 yen/Key money161,000 yen
¥161,000 Management fee:¥10,000
4th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit161,000 yen/Key money161,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥158,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
6th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit158,000 yen/Key money158,000 yen
¥158,000 Management fee:¥10,000
6th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit158,000 yen/Key money158,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥96,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
6th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit96,000 yen/Key money96,000 yen
¥96,000 Management fee:¥10,000
6th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit96,000 yen/Key money96,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥105,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
9th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit105,000 yen/Key money105,000 yen
¥105,000 Management fee:¥10,000
9th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit105,000 yen/Key money105,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥103,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
8th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit103,000 yen/Key money103,000 yen
¥103,000 Management fee:¥10,000
8th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit103,000 yen/Key money103,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥101,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
7th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit101,000 yen/Key money101,000 yen
¥101,000 Management fee:¥10,000
7th floor/1K/25.02m2 / Security deposit101,000 yen/Key money101,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
¥167,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
8th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit167,000 yen/Key money167,000 yen
¥167,000 Management fee:¥10,000
8th floor/1LDK/40.46m2 / Security deposit167,000 yen/Key money167,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
マンション ベルグレード浅草DUE
つくばエクスプレス 浅草 10 minutes on foot 東京メトロ日比谷線 入谷 14 minutes on foot
東京都 台東区浅草5丁目 / Newly built/10 floor building
¥118,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
10th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥118,000 Management fee:¥10,000
10th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥116,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
6th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥116,000 Management fee:¥10,000
6th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥115,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
5th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥115,500 Management fee:¥10,000
5th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥115,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
5th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥115,500 Management fee:¥10,000
5th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥115,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
4th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥115,000 Management fee:¥10,000
4th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥115,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
4th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥115,000 Management fee:¥10,000
4th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥115,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
4th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥115,000 Management fee:¥10,000
4th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥114,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥114,500 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥114,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥114,500 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥114,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥114,500 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥113,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
1th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥113,500 Management fee:¥10,000
1th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥118,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
10th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥118,000 Management fee:¥10,000
10th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥117,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
9th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥117,500 Management fee:¥10,000
9th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥117,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
9th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥117,500 Management fee:¥10,000
9th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥117,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
9th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥117,500 Management fee:¥10,000
9th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥117,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
8th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥117,000 Management fee:¥10,000
8th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥117,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
8th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥117,000 Management fee:¥10,000
8th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥117,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
8th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥117,000 Management fee:¥10,000
8th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥116,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
7th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥116,500 Management fee:¥10,000
7th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥116,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
7th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥116,500 Management fee:¥10,000
7th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥116,500 Management fee: ¥10,000
7th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥116,500 Management fee:¥10,000
7th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥116,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
6th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥116,000 Management fee:¥10,000
6th floor/1DK/25.8m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
¥116,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
6th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥116,000 Management fee:¥10,000
6th floor/1DK/25.51m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiableFlooring
37,866 results (115 out of 37,866)