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Apartments for rent in Newlyweds/couple
116 results (45 out of 116)
Apartment building CRASTINE東林間
Odakyu-Enoshima line Higashi Rinkan 10 minutes on foot Odakyu-Odawara line Odakyu Sagamihara 13 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Sagamihara-shi Minami-ku東林間3丁目 / Built 1 years ago/3 floor building
¥81,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/1LDK/30.03m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥81,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/1LDK/30.03m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
DesignerAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
Apartment complex ビレッジハウス不入斗4号棟
JR Yokosuka line Kinugasa 9 minutes on foot Keikyu-Main line Kenritsudaigaku 29 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Yokosuka-shi平和台 / Built 58 years ago/5 floor building
1th floor/2K/28.98m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
1th floor/2K/28.98m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex 松本ビル
JR Keihin Tohoku/Negishi line Ishikawacho 3 minutes on foot Minatomirai line Motomachi Chukagai 3 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Yokohama-shi Naka-ku本牧三之谷 / Built 40 years ago/4 floor building
¥95,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/2DK/43m2 / Security deposit95,000 yen/Key money95,000 yen
¥95,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/2DK/43m2 / Security deposit95,000 yen/Key money95,000 yen
No guarantor needed
Apartment complex 聖美ハイツ
Yokohama City Subway-Blue line Maita 12 minutes on foot Yokohama City Subway-Blue line Gumyoji 18 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Yokohama-shi Isogo-ku岡村4丁目 / Built 36 years ago/3 floor building
¥66,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/2DK/38.33m2 / Security deposit66,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥66,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/2DK/38.33m2 / Security deposit66,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Free internet
Apartment complex リヴェール21・日吉
Tokyu-Toyoko line Hiyoshi 18 minutes on foot Tokyu-Toyoko line Motosumiyoshi 22 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Yokohama-shi Kohoku-ku日吉3丁目 / Built 35 years ago/4 floor building
¥105,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
3th floor/2LDK/52.89m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money105,000 yen
¥105,000 Management fee:¥5,000
3th floor/2LDK/52.89m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money105,000 yen
Apartment building 谷津田原ヒルズ
Yokohama City Subway-Green line Kawawacho 14 minutes on foot JR Yokohama line Nakayama 19 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Yokohama-shi Midori-ku北八朔町 / Built 35 years ago/2 floor building
¥71,000 Management fee: ¥2,000
2th floor/2DK/46.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥71,000 Management fee:¥2,000
2th floor/2DK/46.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
No guarantor neededFlooring
Apartment building ヴィクトワール
Yokohama City Subway-Blue line Nakada 3 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Yokohama-shi Izumi-ku中田南4丁目 / Built 10 years ago/2 floor building
¥79,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
2th floor/1LDK/36.85m2 / Security deposit79,000 yen/Key money79,000 yen
¥79,000 Management fee:¥4,000
2th floor/1LDK/36.85m2 / Security deposit79,000 yen/Key money79,000 yen
Apartment building ルミエール
JR Nambu line Odasakae 11 minutes on foot JR Nambu line Hama Kawasaki 13 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Kawasaki-shi Kawasaki-ku鋼管通1丁目 / Built 0 years ago/3 floor building
¥117,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/1LDK/44.62m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money117,000 yen
¥117,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/1LDK/44.62m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money117,000 yen
AutolockNo guarantor neededFlooring
Apartment complex Ivory Alley
JR Tokaido line Kawasaki 2 minutes on foot JR Yokosuka line Shin Kawasaki 24 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Kawasaki-shi Saiwai-ku小倉5丁目 / Built 4 years ago/4 floor building
¥95,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
2th floor/1LDK/37.34m2 / Security deposit95,000 yen/Key money95,000 yen
¥95,000 Management fee:¥4,000
2th floor/1LDK/37.34m2 / Security deposit95,000 yen/Key money95,000 yen
AutolockFree internet
Apartment building プレスティージュ
Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Kajigaya 10 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Kawasaki-shi Takatsu-ku新作1丁目 / Built 2 years ago/2 floor building
¥111,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
1th floor/1LDK/36.26m2 / Security deposit111,000 yen/Key money222,000 yen
¥111,000 Management fee:¥4,000
1th floor/1LDK/36.26m2 / Security deposit111,000 yen/Key money222,000 yen
Apartment complex 恵千庵 (ケイセンアン)
JR Nambu line Musashi Shinjo 14 minutes on foot Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Mizonokuchi 29 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Kawasaki-shi Takatsu-ku千年 / Built 10 years ago/4 floor building
¥106,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
1th floor/1LDK/42.25m2 / Security deposit106,000 yen/Key money212,000 yen
¥106,000 Management fee:¥4,500
1th floor/1LDK/42.25m2 / Security deposit106,000 yen/Key money212,000 yen
Apartment building ハウス寺尾台
Odakyu-Odawara line Yomiuri Land Mae 9 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Kawasaki-shi Tama-ku寺尾台1丁目 / Built 18 years ago/2 floor building
¥73,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
2th floor/1LDK/42.24m2 / Security deposit73,000 yen/Key money73,000 yen
¥73,000 Management fee:¥4,000
2th floor/1LDK/42.24m2 / Security deposit73,000 yen/Key money73,000 yen
Apartment complex ジャスティス
Odakyu-Odawara line Kakio 11 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Kawasaki-shi Asao-ku上麻生7丁目 / Built 15 years ago/3 floor building
¥78,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/40.92m2 / Security deposit78,000 yen/Key money78,000 yen
¥78,000 Management fee:¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/40.92m2 / Security deposit78,000 yen/Key money78,000 yen
Walk-in closet
Apartment building セレーノ ウノ
Odakyu-Tama line Kurokawa 6 minutes on foot Keio-Sagamihara line Wakabadai 7 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Kawasaki-shi Asao-ku黒川 / Built 2 years ago/2 floor building
¥85,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/40.38m2 / Security deposit85,000 yen/Key money170,000 yen
¥85,000 Management fee:¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/40.38m2 / Security deposit85,000 yen/Key money170,000 yen
Apartment building 御園メゾン
Odakyu-Odawara line Sagami Ono 5 minutes on foot Odakyu-Odawara line Sagami Ono 20 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Sagamihara-shi Minami-ku御園2丁目 / Built 38 years ago/2 floor building
¥41,000 Management fee: ¥3,500
1th floor/2DK/35.91m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money41,000 yen
¥41,000 Management fee:¥3,500
1th floor/2DK/35.91m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money41,000 yen
Apartment building 杉田アパート
Keikyu-Main line Uraga 14 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Yokosuka-shi東浦賀2丁目 / Built 50 years ago/2 floor building
¥45,000 Management fee: ¥500
2th floor/2K/29.81m2 / Security deposit45,000 yen/Key money45,000 yen
¥45,000 Management fee:¥500
2th floor/2K/29.81m2 / Security deposit45,000 yen/Key money45,000 yen
Apartment building ウィンディア壱番館
JR Tokaido line Hiratsuka 10 minutes on foot Odakyu-Odawara line Hadano 10 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Hiratsuka-shi広川 / Built 24 years ago/2 floor building
2th floor/2LDK/52.84m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
2th floor/2LDK/52.84m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building メゾンウエスト
JR Tokaido line Ofuna 6 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Kamakura-shi大船3丁目 / Newly built/3 floor building
¥121,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
3th floor/1LDK/34.26m2 / Security deposit121,000 yen/Key money242,000 yen
¥121,000 Management fee:¥4,500
3th floor/1LDK/34.26m2 / Security deposit121,000 yen/Key money242,000 yen
Newly builtAutolock
¥123,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/34.64m2 / Security deposit123,000 yen/Key money246,000 yen
¥123,000 Management fee:¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/34.64m2 / Security deposit123,000 yen/Key money246,000 yen
Newly builtAutolock
¥120,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/34.26m2 / Security deposit120,000 yen/Key money240,000 yen
¥120,000 Management fee:¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/34.26m2 / Security deposit120,000 yen/Key money240,000 yen
Newly builtAutolock
Apartment building クラージュ片瀬
Enoshima Electric Railway line Yanagikoji 4 minutes on foot JR Tokaido line Fujisawa 17 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Fujisawa-shi片瀬 / Built 0 years ago/3 floor building
¥115,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
2th floor/1LDK/43.1m2 / Security deposit115,000 yen/Key money230,000 yen
¥115,000 Management fee:¥4,000
2th floor/1LDK/43.1m2 / Security deposit115,000 yen/Key money230,000 yen
Apartment complex シグナス湘南
Odakyu-Enoshima line Kugenuma Kaigan 10 minutes on foot Odakyu-Enoshima line Hon Kugenuma 18 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Fujisawa-shi鵠沼海岸7丁目 / Built 20 years ago/5 floor building
¥125,000 Management fee: ¥6,000
3th floor/2LDK/58.1m2 / Security deposit125,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥125,000 Management fee:¥6,000
3th floor/2LDK/58.1m2 / Security deposit125,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building アボード・エス
JR Tokaido line Chigasaki 9 minutes on foot JR Shonan Shinjuku line-Takasaki Tokaido Chigasaki 29 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Chigasaki-shi浜之郷 / Built 31 years ago/2 floor building
¥45,000 Management fee: ¥2,000
2th floor/2DK/39.74m2 / Security deposit45,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥45,000 Management fee:¥2,000
2th floor/2DK/39.74m2 / Security deposit45,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building (仮称)秦野市寿町2丁目賃貸
Odakyu-Odawara line Hadano 10 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Hadano-shi寿町 / Newly built/3 floor building
¥82,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
3th floor/1LDK/44.2m2 / Security deposit82,000 yen/Key money82,000 yen
¥82,000 Management fee:¥3,000
3th floor/1LDK/44.2m2 / Security deposit82,000 yen/Key money82,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
Apartment complex ビレッジハウス戸川1号棟
Odakyu-Odawara line Shibusawa 5 minutes on foot Odakyu-Odawara line Hadano 58 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Hadano-shi戸川 / Built 52 years ago/5 floor building
1th floor/2K/33.54m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
1th floor/2K/33.54m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
2th floor/2K/33.54m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
2th floor/2K/33.54m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex マンション及川
Odakyu-Odawara line Hon Atsugi 48 minutes on foot JR Sagami line Atsugi 57 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Atsugi-shi及川1丁目 / Built 37 years ago/3 floor building
¥55,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
3th floor/2DK/43.74m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥55,000 Management fee:¥5,000
3th floor/2DK/43.74m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Pets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor neededFlooring
¥55,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
1th floor/2DK/43.74m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥55,000 Management fee:¥5,000
1th floor/2DK/43.74m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Pets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor neededFlooring
Apartment complex ビレッジハウス三田2号棟
Odakyu-Odawara line Atsugi 61 minutes on foot JR Sagami line Iriya 73 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Atsugi-shi三田 / Built 53 years ago/5 floor building
4th floor/2K/33.09m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
4th floor/2K/33.09m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building シュロス・林間
Odakyu-Enoshima line Minami Rinkan 4 minutes on foot Odakyu-Enoshima line Tsuruma 12 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Yamato-shi林間2丁目 / Built 39 years ago/3 floor building
¥64,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
3th floor/2DK/34.78m2 / Security deposit64,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥64,000 Management fee:¥3,000
3th floor/2DK/34.78m2 / Security deposit64,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building クリオコート(仮称ユアメゾン南栗原)
Sotetsu-Main line Kashiwadai 12 minutes on foot Sotetsu-Main line Sagamino 15 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Zama-shi南栗原1丁目 / Newly built/2 floor building
¥87,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
2th floor/2LDK/54.34m2 / Security deposit87,000 yen/Key money174,000 yen
¥87,000 Management fee:¥4,500
2th floor/2LDK/54.34m2 / Security deposit87,000 yen/Key money174,000 yen
Newly built
Apartment building ラヴェンフォート小園
Sotetsu-Main line Ebina 5 minutes on foot Odakyu-Odawara line Ebina 5 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Ayase-shi小園 / Newly built/3 floor building
¥80,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit80,000 yen/Key money80,000 yen
¥80,000 Management fee:¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit80,000 yen/Key money80,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
¥80,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit80,000 yen/Key money80,000 yen
¥80,000 Management fee:¥4,500
2th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit80,000 yen/Key money80,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
¥99,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
2th floor/2LDK/52.98m2 / Security deposit99,000 yen/Key money99,000 yen
¥99,000 Management fee:¥4,500
2th floor/2LDK/52.98m2 / Security deposit99,000 yen/Key money99,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
¥95,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
1th floor/2LDK/52.9m2 / Security deposit95,000 yen/Key money95,000 yen
¥95,000 Management fee:¥4,500
1th floor/2LDK/52.9m2 / Security deposit95,000 yen/Key money95,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
¥77,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
1th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit77,000 yen/Key money77,000 yen
¥77,000 Management fee:¥4,500
1th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit77,000 yen/Key money77,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
¥77,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
1th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit77,000 yen/Key money77,000 yen
¥77,000 Management fee:¥4,500
1th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit77,000 yen/Key money77,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
¥78,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
1th floor/1LDK/42.59m2 / Security deposit78,000 yen/Key money78,000 yen
¥78,000 Management fee:¥4,500
1th floor/1LDK/42.59m2 / Security deposit78,000 yen/Key money78,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
¥99,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
3th floor/2LDK/52.9m2 / Security deposit99,000 yen/Key money99,000 yen
¥99,000 Management fee:¥4,500
3th floor/2LDK/52.9m2 / Security deposit99,000 yen/Key money99,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
¥81,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
3th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit81,000 yen/Key money81,000 yen
¥81,000 Management fee:¥4,500
3th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit81,000 yen/Key money81,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
¥81,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
3th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit81,000 yen/Key money81,000 yen
¥81,000 Management fee:¥4,500
3th floor/1LDK/41.58m2 / Security deposit81,000 yen/Key money81,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
¥100,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
3th floor/2LDK/52.98m2 / Security deposit100,000 yen/Key money100,000 yen
¥100,000 Management fee:¥4,500
3th floor/2LDK/52.98m2 / Security deposit100,000 yen/Key money100,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
¥98,000 Management fee: ¥4,500
2th floor/2LDK/52.9m2 / Security deposit98,000 yen/Key money98,000 yen
¥98,000 Management fee:¥4,500
2th floor/2LDK/52.9m2 / Security deposit98,000 yen/Key money98,000 yen
Newly builtFlooring
Apartment complex セラミックハイツ鶴見
Keikyu-Main line Tsurumi Ichiba 8 minutes on foot Keikyu-Main line Hatchonawate 12 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Yokohama-shi Tsurumi-ku平安町1丁目 / Built 37 years ago/3 floor building
¥72,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/2DK/34.78m2 / Security deposit72,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥72,000 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/2DK/34.78m2 / Security deposit72,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex SD海老名ポートガーデン
Odakyu-Odawara line Ebina 12 minutes on foot JR Sagami line Ebina 12 minutes on foot
Kanagawa Ebina-shi大谷北1丁目 / Built 29 years ago/4 floor building
¥90,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
3th floor/2DK/46.75m2 / Security deposit90,000 yen/Key money90,000 yen
¥90,000 Management fee:¥5,000
3th floor/2DK/46.75m2 / Security deposit90,000 yen/Key money90,000 yen
116 results (45 out of 116)