Area Tokyo|Setagaya-ku
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Apartments for rent in TokyoSetagaya-ku
475 results (80 out of 475)
Apartment complex オープンブルーム用賀
Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Yoga 7 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku玉川台1丁目 / Newly built/5 floor building
¥150,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
4th floor/1SLDK/32.39m2 / Security deposit150,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥150,000 Management fee:¥15,000
4th floor/1SLDK/32.39m2 / Security deposit150,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥205,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
5th floor/2LDK/41.15m2 / Security deposit205,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥205,000 Management fee:¥20,000
5th floor/2LDK/41.15m2 / Security deposit205,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥185,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
2th floor/2LDK/44.46m2 / Security deposit185,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥185,000 Management fee:¥20,000
2th floor/2LDK/44.46m2 / Security deposit185,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
Apartment complex レオパレスハープコート
Odakyu-Odawara line Chitose Funabashi 3 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku船橋1丁目 / Built 18 years ago/3 floor building
¥82,000 Management fee: ¥5,500
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money82,000 yen
¥82,000 Management fee:¥5,500
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money82,000 yen
Apartment complex クレヴィスタ代田橋
Keio line Daitabashi 6 minutes on foot Keio-Inokashira line Shindaita 6 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku羽根木1丁目 / Built 4 years ago/8 floor building
¥103,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
3th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥103,000 Management fee:¥15,000
3th floor/1K/25.5m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Designer24-hour garbage disposal OKAutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededFlooring
Apartment building クレイノピアフ
Tokyu-Setagaya line Setagaya 9 minutes on foot Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Sakura Shimmachi 15 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku弦巻1丁目 / Built 7 years ago/2 floor building
¥90,000 Management fee: ¥5,500
2th floor/1K/20.76m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money90,000 yen
¥90,000 Management fee:¥5,500
2th floor/1K/20.76m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money90,000 yen
Apartment building レオパレス羽根木
Keio-Inokashira line Higashi Matsubara 5 minutes on foot Odakyu-Odawara line Umegaoka 10 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku代田4丁目 / Built 13 years ago/2 floor building
¥91,000 Management fee: ¥5,500
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money91,000 yen
¥91,000 Management fee:¥5,500
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money91,000 yen
¥92,000 Management fee: ¥5,500
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money92,000 yen
¥92,000 Management fee:¥5,500
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money92,000 yen
¥89,000 Management fee: ¥5,500
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money89,000 yen
¥89,000 Management fee:¥5,500
1th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money89,000 yen
Apartment building レオパレスフルール
Odakyu-Odawara line Chitose Funabashi 17 minutes on foot Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Yoga 22 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku桜丘3丁目 / Built 20 years ago/2 floor building
¥67,000 Management fee: ¥5,500
1th floor/1K/20.67m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money67,000 yen
¥67,000 Management fee:¥5,500
1th floor/1K/20.67m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money67,000 yen
¥67,000 Management fee: ¥5,500
1th floor/1K/20.01m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money67,000 yen
¥67,000 Management fee:¥5,500
1th floor/1K/20.01m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money67,000 yen
Apartment building レオパレスエル
Keio line Chitose Karasuyama 13 minutes on foot Keio line Roka Koen 13 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku粕谷1丁目 / Built 18 years ago/2 floor building
¥77,000 Management fee: ¥5,500
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money77,000 yen
¥77,000 Management fee:¥5,500
2th floor/1K/19.87m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money77,000 yen
Apartment complex サンテミリオン千歳烏山
Keio line Chitose Karasuyama 12 minutes on foot Keio line Sengawa 12 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku給田4丁目 / Built 18 years ago/5 floor building
¥76,000 Management fee: ¥6,000
1th floor/1K/25.37m2 / Security deposit76,000 yen/Key money76,000 yen
¥76,000 Management fee:¥6,000
1th floor/1K/25.37m2 / Security deposit76,000 yen/Key money76,000 yen
AutolockFree internet
¥97,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
3th floor/1K/25.37m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money97,000 yen
¥97,000 Management fee:¥11,000
3th floor/1K/25.37m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money97,000 yen
¥110,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
1th floor/1K/25.37m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money110,000 yen
¥110,000 Management fee:¥11,000
1th floor/1K/25.37m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money110,000 yen
Apartment building スピガ・エム
Odakyu-Odawara line Chitose Funabashi 15 minutes on foot Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Yoga 22 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku桜丘3丁目 / Built 4 years ago/2 floor building
¥155,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
1th floor/2LDK/54.86m2 / Security deposit155,000 yen/Key money155,000 yen
¥155,000 Management fee:¥4,000
1th floor/2LDK/54.86m2 / Security deposit155,000 yen/Key money155,000 yen
AutolockFree internetNo guarantor neededWalk-in closet
Apartment complex ヴェールコート世田谷砧
Odakyu-Odawara line Soshigaya Okura 8 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku砧3丁目 / Newly built/6 floor building
¥232,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/2LDK/58.53m2 / Security deposit232,000 yen/Key money464,000 yen
¥232,000 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/2LDK/58.53m2 / Security deposit232,000 yen/Key money464,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥228,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/2LDK/58.2m2 / Security deposit228,000 yen/Key money456,000 yen
¥228,000 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/2LDK/58.2m2 / Security deposit228,000 yen/Key money456,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥230,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
2th floor/2LDK/58.53m2 / Security deposit230,000 yen/Key money460,000 yen
¥230,000 Management fee:¥10,000
2th floor/2LDK/58.53m2 / Security deposit230,000 yen/Key money460,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥197,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit197,000 yen/Key money394,000 yen
¥197,000 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit197,000 yen/Key money394,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥199,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit199,000 yen/Key money398,000 yen
¥199,000 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit199,000 yen/Key money398,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥195,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit195,000 yen/Key money390,000 yen
¥195,000 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit195,000 yen/Key money390,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥232,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
4th floor/2LDK/58.2m2 / Security deposit232,000 yen/Key money464,000 yen
¥232,000 Management fee:¥10,000
4th floor/2LDK/58.2m2 / Security deposit232,000 yen/Key money464,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥214,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
4th floor/2LDK/53.12m2 / Security deposit214,000 yen/Key money428,000 yen
¥214,000 Management fee:¥10,000
4th floor/2LDK/53.12m2 / Security deposit214,000 yen/Key money428,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥197,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
2th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit197,000 yen/Key money394,000 yen
¥197,000 Management fee:¥10,000
2th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit197,000 yen/Key money394,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥195,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
2th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit195,000 yen/Key money390,000 yen
¥195,000 Management fee:¥10,000
2th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit195,000 yen/Key money390,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥185,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit185,000 yen/Key money370,000 yen
¥185,000 Management fee:¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit185,000 yen/Key money370,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥225,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/58.53m2 / Security deposit225,000 yen/Key money450,000 yen
¥225,000 Management fee:¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/58.53m2 / Security deposit225,000 yen/Key money450,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥192,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit192,000 yen/Key money384,000 yen
¥192,000 Management fee:¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit192,000 yen/Key money384,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥190,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit190,000 yen/Key money380,000 yen
¥190,000 Management fee:¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/48.67m2 / Security deposit190,000 yen/Key money380,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥221,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/58.2m2 / Security deposit221,000 yen/Key money442,000 yen
¥221,000 Management fee:¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/58.2m2 / Security deposit221,000 yen/Key money442,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥272,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
4th floor/3LDK/66.38m2 / Security deposit272,000 yen/Key money544,000 yen
¥272,000 Management fee:¥15,000
4th floor/3LDK/66.38m2 / Security deposit272,000 yen/Key money544,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥257,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
4th floor/2LDK/66.38m2 / Security deposit257,000 yen/Key money514,000 yen
¥257,000 Management fee:¥10,000
4th floor/2LDK/66.38m2 / Security deposit257,000 yen/Key money514,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥265,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
2th floor/3LDK/66.38m2 / Security deposit265,000 yen/Key money530,000 yen
¥265,000 Management fee:¥15,000
2th floor/3LDK/66.38m2 / Security deposit265,000 yen/Key money530,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥225,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/60.68m2 / Security deposit225,000 yen/Key money450,000 yen
¥225,000 Management fee:¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/60.68m2 / Security deposit225,000 yen/Key money450,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockFlooring
¥203,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/53.12m2 / Security deposit203,000 yen/Key money406,000 yen
¥203,000 Management fee:¥10,000
1th floor/2LDK/53.12m2 / Security deposit203,000 yen/Key money406,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥236,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
5th floor/2LDK/58.2m2 / Security deposit236,000 yen/Key money472,000 yen
¥236,000 Management fee:¥10,000
5th floor/2LDK/58.2m2 / Security deposit236,000 yen/Key money472,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥207,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
2th floor/2LDK/53.12m2 / Security deposit207,000 yen/Key money414,000 yen
¥207,000 Management fee:¥10,000
2th floor/2LDK/53.12m2 / Security deposit207,000 yen/Key money414,000 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
Apartment building グリーンハイツ
Keio line Chitose Karasuyama 13 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku北烏山6丁目 / Built 32 years ago/2 floor building
¥54,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
2th floor/1R/18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥54,000 Management fee:¥4,000
2th floor/1R/18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex クレストT下馬
Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Sangen Jaya 11 minutes on foot Tokyu-Setagaya line Sangen Jaya 14 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku下馬2丁目 / Built 33 years ago/3 floor building
¥120,000 Management fee: ¥4,000
3th floor/2DK/40.6m2 / Security deposit120,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥120,000 Management fee:¥4,000
3th floor/2DK/40.6m2 / Security deposit120,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment building Pasar(パサール)
Odakyu-Odawara line Kyodo 5 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku宮坂3丁目 / Built 31 years ago/2 floor building
¥62,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
1th floor/1DK/24m2 / Security deposit62,000 yen/Key money62,000 yen
¥62,000 Management fee:¥3,000
1th floor/1DK/24m2 / Security deposit62,000 yen/Key money62,000 yen
¥65,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/1DK/20.13m2 / Security deposit65,000 yen/Key money65,000 yen
¥65,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/1DK/20.13m2 / Security deposit65,000 yen/Key money65,000 yen
Apartment complex 下北沢ハイタウン A棟
Odakyu-Odawara line Shimo Kitazawa 1 minutes on foot Keio-Inokashira line Shimo Kitazawa 1 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku北沢2丁目 / Built 42 years ago/14 floor building
¥85,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
6th floor/1K/28m2 / Security deposit85,000 yen/Key money85,000 yen
¥85,000 Management fee:¥5,000
6th floor/1K/28m2 / Security deposit85,000 yen/Key money85,000 yen
5th floor/2DK/47.78m2 / Security deposit170,000 yen/Key money170,000 yen
5th floor/2DK/47.78m2 / Security deposit170,000 yen/Key money170,000 yen
Apartment complex PASEO芦花公園
Keio line Roka Koen 5 minutes on foot Keio line Chitose Karasuyama 9 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku南烏山3丁目 / Built 2 years ago/4 floor building
¥110,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
4th floor/1DK/26.73m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥110,000 Management fee:¥10,000
4th floor/1DK/26.73m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥110,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
4th floor/1DK/26.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥110,000 Management fee:¥10,000
4th floor/1DK/26.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥132,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
2th floor/1LDK/32.78m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥132,000 Management fee:¥10,000
2th floor/1LDK/32.78m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥133,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/1LDK/32.78m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥133,000 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/1LDK/32.78m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥108,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
3th floor/1DK/26.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥108,000 Management fee:¥10,000
3th floor/1DK/26.28m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Apartment complex 第7島田マンション
Keio line Hachimanyama 5 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku八幡山3丁目 / Built 19 years ago/3 floor building
¥114,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
3th floor/2DK/45.59m2 / Security deposit114,000 yen/Key money114,000 yen
¥114,000 Management fee:¥5,000
3th floor/2DK/45.59m2 / Security deposit114,000 yen/Key money114,000 yen
AutolockPets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor needed
Apartment building デューベ経堂
Odakyu-Odawara line Chitose Funabashi 6 minutes on foot Odakyu-Odawara line Kyodo 9 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku経堂4丁目 / Built 7 years ago/2 floor building
¥95,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
1th floor/1K/18.6m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money95,000 yen
¥95,000 Management fee:¥11,000
1th floor/1K/18.6m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money95,000 yen
Apartment complex プライムアーバン烏山ガレリア
Keio line Chitose Karasuyama 2 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku南烏山4丁目 / Built 17 years ago/4 floor building
¥93,000 Management fee: ¥8,000
-1th floor/1K/25.3m2 / Security deposit93,000 yen/Key money93,000 yen
¥93,000 Management fee:¥8,000
-1th floor/1K/25.3m2 / Security deposit93,000 yen/Key money93,000 yen
Apartment complex yh bldg.
Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Yoga 4 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku用賀4丁目 / Built 13 years ago/4 floor building
¥112,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
2th floor/1K/26.54m2 / Security deposit224,000 yen/Key money112,000 yen
¥112,000 Management fee:¥5,000
2th floor/1K/26.54m2 / Security deposit224,000 yen/Key money112,000 yen
Apartment complex ザ・パークハビオ三軒茶屋テラス
Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Sangen Jaya 9 minutes on foot Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Ikejiri Ohashi 12 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku三宿1丁目 / Built 7 years ago/5 floor building
¥280,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
2th floor/2LDK/51.83m2 / Security deposit280,000 yen/Key money280,000 yen
¥280,000 Management fee:¥20,000
2th floor/2LDK/51.83m2 / Security deposit280,000 yen/Key money280,000 yen
¥130,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
2th floor/1R/25.4m2 / Security deposit130,000 yen/Key money130,000 yen
¥130,000 Management fee:¥10,000
2th floor/1R/25.4m2 / Security deposit130,000 yen/Key money130,000 yen
¥300,000 Management fee: ¥20,000
5th floor/2LDK/54.36m2 / Security deposit300,000 yen/Key money300,000 yen
¥300,000 Management fee:¥20,000
5th floor/2LDK/54.36m2 / Security deposit300,000 yen/Key money300,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥135,000 Management fee: ¥10,000
1th floor/1K/25.48m2 / Security deposit135,000 yen/Key money135,000 yen
¥135,000 Management fee:¥10,000
1th floor/1K/25.48m2 / Security deposit135,000 yen/Key money135,000 yen
Apartment complex ヴィステリオ北沢
Odakyu-Odawara line Higashi Kitazawa 1 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku北沢3丁目 / Built 7 years ago/3 floor building
¥106,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
2th floor/1K/27.22m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money106,000 yen
¥106,000 Management fee:¥5,000
2th floor/1K/27.22m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money106,000 yen
AutolockNo guarantor neededWalk-in closetFlooring
Apartment complex プレール・ドゥーク千歳烏山
Keio line Chitose Karasuyama 6 minutes on foot Keio line Sengawa 16 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku南烏山6丁目 / Built 8 years ago/5 floor building
¥114,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
2th floor/1K/25.6m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money114,000 yen
¥114,000 Management fee:¥11,000
2th floor/1K/25.6m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money114,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockFree internetPets allowed/negotiable
Apartment complex フォレスト杉山
Keio line Meidaimae 5 minutes on foot Keio-Inokashira line Meidaimae 5 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku松原1丁目 / Built 35 years ago/4 floor building
¥65,000 Management fee: ¥5,000
4th floor/1R/23m2 / Security deposit65,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥65,000 Management fee:¥5,000
4th floor/1R/23m2 / Security deposit65,000 yen/Key money0 yen
No guarantor needed
Apartment complex 第12島田マンション
Keio line Hachimanyama 5 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku八幡山3丁目 / Built 31 years ago/3 floor building
¥75,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/1DK/28.22m2 / Security deposit75,000 yen/Key money75,000 yen
¥75,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/1DK/28.22m2 / Security deposit75,000 yen/Key money75,000 yen
Pets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor neededFlooring
Apartment complex 第13島田マンション
Keio line Hachimanyama 5 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku八幡山3丁目 / Built 30 years ago/3 floor building
¥75,000 Management fee: ¥3,000
2th floor/1DK/28m2 / Security deposit75,000 yen/Key money75,000 yen
¥75,000 Management fee:¥3,000
2th floor/1DK/28m2 / Security deposit75,000 yen/Key money75,000 yen
Pets allowed/negotiableNo guarantor neededFlooring
Apartment complex レジデンス桜新町ガーデン
Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Sakura Shimmachi 9 minutes on foot Tokyu-Setagaya line Setagaya 15 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku弦巻2丁目 / Newly built/3 floor building
¥196,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
3th floor/1LDK/34.43m2 / Security deposit196,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥196,000 Management fee:¥9,000
3th floor/1LDK/34.43m2 / Security deposit196,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥187,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
2th floor/1LDK/32.12m2 / Security deposit187,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥187,000 Management fee:¥9,000
2th floor/1LDK/32.12m2 / Security deposit187,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥326,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
1th floor/2SLDK/75.95m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥326,000 Management fee:¥9,000
1th floor/2SLDK/75.95m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥321,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
1th floor/1SLDK/68.86m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥321,000 Management fee:¥9,000
1th floor/1SLDK/68.86m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥311,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
1th floor/2SLDK/66.42m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥311,000 Management fee:¥9,000
1th floor/2SLDK/66.42m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥187,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
2th floor/1LDK/32.23m2 / Security deposit187,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥187,000 Management fee:¥9,000
2th floor/1LDK/32.23m2 / Security deposit187,000 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥279,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
1th floor/1SLDK/62.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥279,000 Management fee:¥9,000
1th floor/1SLDK/62.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥326,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
1th floor/2SLDK/76.96m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥326,000 Management fee:¥9,000
1th floor/2SLDK/76.96m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥321,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
1th floor/2SLDK/68.86m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥321,000 Management fee:¥9,000
1th floor/2SLDK/68.86m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥311,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
1th floor/1SLDK/66.42m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥311,000 Management fee:¥9,000
1th floor/1SLDK/66.42m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥279,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
1th floor/1SLDK/64.24m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥279,000 Management fee:¥9,000
1th floor/1SLDK/64.24m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
¥279,000 Management fee: ¥9,000
1th floor/1SLDK/62.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
¥279,000 Management fee:¥9,000
1th floor/1SLDK/62.18m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money0 yen
Newly builtAutolockWalk-in closetFlooring
Apartment complex サンライズ上馬
Tokyu-Setagaya line Shoin Jinja Mae 6 minutes on foot Tokyu-Setagaya line Setagaya 11 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku上馬5丁目 / Built 35 years ago/3 floor building
3th floor/3DK/50.85m2 / Security deposit160,000 yen/Key money160,000 yen
3th floor/3DK/50.85m2 / Security deposit160,000 yen/Key money160,000 yen
No guarantor needed
Apartment complex ディアレイシャス世田谷上町
Tokyu-Setagaya line Kamimachi 7 minutes on foot Odakyu-Odawara line Kyodo 16 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku桜2丁目 / Built 5 years ago/4 floor building
¥125,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
2th floor/1K/25.66m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money125,000 yen
¥125,000 Management fee:¥11,000
2th floor/1K/25.66m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money125,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockFree internetFlooring
¥127,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
4th floor/1K/25.65m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money127,000 yen
¥127,000 Management fee:¥11,000
4th floor/1K/25.65m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money127,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockFree internetFlooring
¥117,000 Management fee: ¥11,000
1th floor/1K/25.65m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money117,000 yen
¥117,000 Management fee:¥11,000
1th floor/1K/25.65m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money117,000 yen
FurnishedAutolockFree internetFlooring
Apartment complex レグゼ用賀
Tokyu-Den-en-toshi line Yoga 8 minutes on foot Tokyu-Oimachi line Kaminoge 19 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku用賀1丁目 / Built 8 years ago/5 floor building
¥99,000 Management fee: ¥15,000
1th floor/1K/25.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money99,000 yen
¥99,000 Management fee:¥15,000
1th floor/1K/25.81m2 / Security deposit0 yen/Key money99,000 yen
Apartment complex オーク・ヴィレッジ
Keio-Inokashira line Higashi Matsubara 2 minutes on foot Keio-Inokashira line Shindaita 8 minutes on foot
Tokyo Setagaya-ku羽根木2丁目 / Built 56 years ago/4 floor building
¥88,000 Management fee: ¥2,000
3th floor/1LDK/37.18m2 / Security deposit176,000 yen/Key money0 yen
¥88,000 Management fee:¥2,000
3th floor/1LDK/37.18m2 / Security deposit176,000 yen/Key money0 yen
No guarantor neededFlooring
475 results (80 out of 475)